
时间:2017-11-13 13:46:10 来源:

【摘要】 【网络综合 - 托福考试(TOEFL)】托福福作文185篇真题范文专项练习】  Topic42:一个人成功需要具备什么样的技术水平?  Topic42 Wha

【网络综合 - 托福考试(TOEFL)】托福福作文185篇真题范文专项练习】  Topic42:一个人成功需要具备什么样的技术水平?  Topic42 What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

[托福参看范文之一]Topic: 42  Upon the question that what is the very important skill a person should learn in the world today, different people have differnt opinions. In my point of view, I perfer to think that communication is the most impotant skill for almost every person. There are many reasons to support my view.   Firstly, communication is a bridge between people. Nobody is omnipotent; people depend on one another in their daily lives. We all hope we can be become the person who masters every skills and can complete every kind work by ourselves.

  However the real world tells us that this just is a dream. Therefore, people are interdependant, no can can say that he does not need other people's help. The society requires cooperation among people. Communication is the link. Communication is the first step of successful cooperation among people. By communication, we exchange of thoughts and information, and get other people understand our needs and ideas. For example, in a company, big or small, a manager always has to communicate with his boss, coleagues and subordinates.

  Secondly, communication can help us keep friendship and make new friends. Friends need to communicate to each other, so that they know each other's needs and feelings. Indeed, the most important qualities of a friend is communication and understanding. If you are a good communicator, it is very easy for you to keep your friendship and make new friends. If you do not communicate with your friends, you will not only feel lonely, but also can eventually loss your friends.

  From all above, I think that communacation is the most important skill for people to survive in this society. I hope everybody works hard to get the skill.【1】【2】下一页

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