
时间:2017-11-13 13:30:15 来源:

【摘要】 雅思网权威发布雅思真题:2017年5月6日雅思机经回忆,更多雅思真题相关信息请访问雅思考试(IELTS)网。雅思真题:2017年5月6日雅思机经回忆



国内回忆:听力回忆:Section1:咨询two-day camp  Section2:一个跑步活动 Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run raceSection3=V07134S3(无忧核心预测命中)Section4:大象的研究阅读回忆:Passage1: An unsung sense Passage2: Being left-sided in a right-sided world(无忧核心预测命中)Passage3: 小语种写作回忆:小作文:柱图 The chart below gives information about the possession of newer technologies by different age groups in UK in 2009.Summarize important information,and make comparison and contrast.大作文:Some young people commit serious crimes,such as robbery or violent attacks,some people think they should be punished in the same way as adults.To what extent do you agree or disagree?澳洲回忆:小作文:柱图大作文:Somebody argue that the good health is basic human needs, so the medical service should not be run by profit-making companies.

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