
时间:2020-02-23 18:28:44 来源:网络

【摘要】 ACC考试是具有国际性的考试,对个人职业发展有着重要意义。小编整理了2020年ACCA CAT考试指南-考试题型,仔细阅读相关规定。一起来看看2020年ACCA CAT考试指南-考试题型的详细内容吧!

ACCA/CAT考试题型 • CAT - Introductory level 考试时间2小时, 50道题,2分/题 100分满分,55分及格,只有MCQ单选题 Each exam is of two hours duration; contains 50 questions; is out of 100 marks with a pass mark of 55%; and contains two-mark MCQ's only • CAT - Intermediate Level 考试时间2小时 50道题,2分/题 • 100分满分,50分及格 • MCQ单选题,连线题,多选题,填空题 Each exam is of two hours duration; contains 50 questions; is out of 100 marks with a pass mark of 50%; and contains question types: MCQ's, multiple response questions, multiple response matching questions, and number entry questions - all worth two marks • ACCA Qualification (F1-F3)/MSER exams MMA and MFA 考试时间2小时 50道题,40道2分题+10道1分题 90分满分,达对50%通过。 1分或2分的MCQ单选题,1分或2分的多选题,2分的连线题,2分填空题。 • Each exam is of two hours duration; contains 50 questions (40 two-mark questions and 10 one-mark questions); is out of 90 marks with a pass mark of 50%; and contains question types: one and two mark MCQ‘s, one and two-mark multiple response questions, two-mark multiple response matching questions and two-mark number entry questions.


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