
时间:2017-11-13 13:30:01 来源:

【摘要】 雅思网权威发布2017年10月21日雅思写作机经真题回忆及答案解析,更多2017年10月21日雅思写作机经真题回忆及答案解析相关信息请访问雅思考试



  Writing Task 1  今天的小作文考察的是饼图,6个图,本科生研究生对于大学设施的满意度调查。其余信息待补充。  Writing Task 2   题目类别:教育类   提问方式:论述类   考试题目:   Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.   参考范文(Word Count: 317)   Judged by Chinese tradition, the elderly are symbols of wisdom and compared to the charming twilight. Undoubtedly, the old occupy many significant positions in various areas, even in the government department. The essay would critically discuss both views and bring up my own opinion.   The reasons why some people think young adults can take on essential posts in the government are the following two aspects. Firstly, like racial discrimination, preventing young people from being engaged in crucial posts in governments can be regarded as “age discrimination”, which is against the universally accepted notion of “men are born equal“. Furthermore, the young adults have innovative thinking patterns and possess enough courage to change certain conventions, which may be different from those who are used to current states despite existing unsatisfactory phenomenon.   Nevertheless, there are three main factors why some people object to the opinion mentioned above. To begin with, with the development of medical science and the improvement of living standards, people now boast longer life expectancy. Most people are still energetically healthy at the an old age which should no longer be considered as a weak age. Additionally, since wisdom practically increases with one’s age, people around such an age as 55 usually possess merits they accumulate through their valuable living and working experiences, which are unlikely to be found in our green young people. With their extraordinary skills and sophistication, they stand out in all walks of life, not to mention in political arena. Another point we should bear in mind is that some senior posts in the government can be too demanding for the younger employees who lack experience.   In conclusion, from my perspective, it is accepted that young employees are capable of devoting themselves into the government work, while it is more appropriate to insist the elderly with rich experience on taking responsibility for vital positions.

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