
时间:2020-02-21 16:24:51 来源:网络

【摘要】 ACC考试是具有国际性的考试,对个人职业发展有着重要意义。小编整理了2020年ACCA考试《会计师与企业》模拟试题,仔细阅读相关规定。一起来看看2020年ACCA考试《会计师与企业》模拟试题。

1 Bravado,a public limited company,has acquired two subsidiaries and an associate. The draft statements of financial position are as follows at 51 May 2009:

Bravado Message Mixted

$m $m $m


Non-current assets

Property,plant and equipment 265 250 161

Investments in subsidiaries

Message 500

Mixted 128

Investment in associate - Clarity 20

Available-for-sale financial assets 51 6 5

- - -

764 256 166

- - -

Current assets:

Inventories 155 55 75

Trade receivables 91 45 52

Cash and cash equivalents 102 100 8

- - -

528 200 115

- - -

Total assets 1,092 456 279

- - -

Equity and liabilities:

Share capital 520 220 100

Retained earnings 240 150 80

Other components of equity 12 4 7

- - -

Total equity 772 574 187


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