【摘要】 GRE考试是世界各地的大学各类研究生院要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,小编为大家整理了GRE阅读练习,下面让我们看看2020年GRE短阅读提分的具体内容:
James W. Coleman’s book on John Edgar Wideman’s literary career addresses the needs of a general, if well-read, public rather than the esoteric vanities of scholarly specialists, whom he neither ignores nor flatters. To assume the former audience was familiar with every work Wideman ever penned would have been pretentious. Instead, Cole- man furnishes more than ample descriptive criticism and background information, avoiding the cryptic allusiveness that is favored by some academic critics but that discourages the undergraduate audience he likely envisioned. Unfortunately, this accent on bringing serious Wideman criticism to a broader audience often frustrates the reader who wishes that announced themes, techniques, and stylistic devices would not whisk by as quickly as world capitals on a seven-day package tour of the globe.
The reference to “a seven-day package tour of the globe” is most likely meant to suggest a treatment that is
A. inclusive
B. cursory
C. focused
D. broad based
E. substantial
题目解析:C为了让大众都能明白W的书,所以提供了丰富的信息。然而,这种做法也招来了读者们质疑,他们希望C的做法不会是走马观花式的。因此,答案要体现:1. 读者的担心(负面的);2.走马观花这一特点(即是快,或者是不细致)。对比选项发现只有B满足两个条件,选B
文章翻译:Coleman这个人写了一本关于John Edgar文学成就的书,这本书如果被好好的品读们就会发现是一本接地气的适合大众阅读的书,而不是用来给评论家批判的书。因此去质疑Coleman到底有没有读完所以关于John的作品然后再下笔写这本书的做法其实显得有一些无聊自大自作多情。相反,他的书运用了了大量的素材,抛弃了那些专家学者喜欢的模糊高深的判词(同时这些高深学术文字也是青年读者所不喜的。)不幸的是,这种戏说wideman的风格措辞虽然可以吸纳很多粉丝来阅读,但是也让那些希望严谨态度(包括从:理论方面,技术方面,风格方面,不需要很粗略走马观花的去看)细细解读wideman的人失望了。