2020年雅思口语话题分析:a good thing

时间:2020-02-10 14:04:30 来源:网络

【摘要】 2020年2月雅思考试虽然取消,但雅思备考工作不能落下,下面是小编整理的2020年雅思口语话题分析:a good thing的相关内容,一起来看看吧。

近日,大多备考生也选择在疫情隔离期间线上学习或者趁此不能出门之际疯狂备考,2020年2月雅思考试虽然取消,但雅思备考工作不能落下,下面是小编整理的2020年雅思口语话题分析:a good thing的相关内容,一起来看看吧。

Describe a good thing that can help improve your health

Honestly speaking, I have a great affection for mastering a musical instrument, especially playing the cello. Compared with doing sports activities, playing the cello does not enhance my physical health, but it is a good thing that can cultivate my soul, another way to improve my health. To tell you the truth, when I was a kid, I always attended training classes to learn the skills of play the cello. Thus, playing the cello gradually became one of my hobbies, then a habit. Whenever I play it, it will calm me down and let me to a world out of this world. I easily carry away without trace. Personally speaking, I believe, relaxation is what I could get out from such a habit. Well, you see, I am only a student, and I have to cope with all sort of hard work or even trial things, but whenever I pick up the cello, I could feel much more soothed and relieved.

以上就是2020年雅思口语话题分析:a good thing的具体内容,我们将根据疫情防控的进展情况,动态更新并通知2020年2月后雅思考试的报名和考试安排,考生朋友们要注意自身安全,尽量避免出门,更多资讯关注考必过网站。

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