My troubles_2000字_考必过

时间:2020-01-29 15:21:54 来源:

【摘要】 从初中开始,我们的写作生涯才算正式开始。语文考试中,写作分数占据了总分的很大一部分。要求的字数,思想深度都需要提升。那么如何写好初中作文呢?考必过为大家精心准备了 My troubles_2000字_考必过 ,希望能够帮助到大家。 My troubles_2000字_考必过 的详细内容如下:

  The pace of time never stops, the rhythm of the life can't slack off.Our regression in the past, and look forward to the future.Look at yourself, the babble of infants, now wear glasses, become elegant.Yes, every day of the cells in the human body constantly new Chen substitution, but to me that such a person, if forget some unhappy things, meet new things, I'm afraid to go to India to obtain buddhist scriptures.

  I am a sentimental person, my feelings, exquisite like water.This became my troubles.When I saw the leaves, I will be sad;When I saw the petals to the raindrop strike, also in the heart silently say: does it hurt?When I see a vigorous tree, I'll run past to give him a hug.These actions, the careless people is not understand.They don't understand me, I don't like to chase scenes, don't like to play games, don't like gossiping...Oh ~ they don't understand me, I like to smell the sweet nectar, in the spring like sitting quietly in the afternoon, like thinking, quiet, only belong to me a people in the world.I hope I can have a person like me, accompanied me to idea that fantasy world like a dream.But, my classmate is careless, them have I don't see a good place, so I don't want to come too close with them, comes alone is what I wanted to pursue.But I can't get away from them for my feelings.

  I know, I want to go to adapt to the society, but, I really hope I can also like a little child nestled in her mother's arms.This society, he did not pure beauty of flowers, no rain and pure and fresh nature, in my eyes, is a storm.Don't like it here, so let's conquer it, I want to upgrade to become a sailor moon, fight hard, do not yield, not back.

  My troubles are not with others, and I won't because the result quality or happy or sorrow, so average, firmly, also became a bad say "bad".I also can't because the mood is bad, because my mood, is like the sky ~ let me sorrow, is dead animals, and flowers for the decline of...

  Gradually, I found that, in fact, is not too terrible.Worry is like a leaf, and fall, always inadvertently buried under a tree, as the tree's food.Worry is a kind of taste, feel, will also become a kind of novel finding.Trouble is the embodiment of wet weather, always after a storm comes a calm.We smile on the face, is to break the confused weapons.


考必过专稿 未经允许不得转载

以上就是 My troubles_2000字_考必过 的详细内容,大家可以作为参考。事实上写作并不难,在考试时候,先不要急于下笔,应该先仔细地看看题目,确切理解题目的要求。是写人,还是记事;是写景,还是状物;是日记,还是书信;是实用文,还是想象文……这些弄清楚了,作文就有了基本的方向。

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