
时间:2020-01-29 11:45:36 来源:

【摘要】 主持词,又叫做串联词,串词。主持词实在晚会、联欢会等大型联欢活动中,主持人把前后节目,把整台节目恰到好处地联系在一起的关键性词语。 串词是一门艺术,那么你知道如何写主持词吗?考必过为大家精心整理了老战友联谊会主持词范文,希望可以帮助到大家。老战友联谊会主持词范文的详细内容如下:

07`%??攨0 0`%,?02`%??廨148`%号?0 0`%?eV 0`%竣?140`%?eV?107788`%号?0875`% ?0 0`%?eV 0`%工?224`%?范?0 0`%??讨187548`%?eV?076`%??旨107811`%的?

Dear teachers and schoolmates

Good afternoon, The new year is coming. What comes to your mind when we say new year Season? Okay, I’ll tell you the picture of The new year in my mind. Under the dark blue sky, snowflakes are falling slowly, like flying butterflies. Beautiful lights of different colors are twinkling. Roly-poly red-suited Sant Clauz with lots of gifts in his big bag is busy going to give children the toys and candies. Inside the houses, families are getting together and having elegant meals, and children are all expecting Sant Clauz’s coming. Here and there you can hear cheerful new year songs.

What a beautiful picture and how warm and fragnant the season is! So we have no reasons to reject beauty of life. That is why we gether here. We gether together not only to celebrate The new year, but also to enjoy ourselves and show our talent, confidence, optimism and happiness in the school.


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