
时间:2020-01-20 14:10:39 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加国际货运代理人考试的考生们,考试即将到来,大家的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了国际货运代理考试专业英语试题及答案,希望能够助力国际货运代理人考试,相信坚持一定会有成果。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于国际货运代理考试专业英语试题及答案的具体内容如下:

  英译汉(50%)  1. The Customs General Administration  2.Customs establishment  3.Import and Export tariff  4. Appointment and removal  5. Tariff reduction and exemption  6. enact statute  7. inward and outward luggage  8. over-landed cargo  9. short-landed cargo  10. shut-out cargo  11. damaged cargo  12. examine and release  13. shipping order  14. transshipment goods  15. through goods  16. transit goods  17. supervision and control  18. collection of duty  19. compile statistics  20. legal commodity inspection  21. inspection certificate  22. animal and plant quarantine  23. Import and Export licence  24. the State Council  25. Customs valuation  26. duty memorandum  27. short-levied duty  28. over-levied duty  29. administrative consideration  30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff  31. general rate  32. preferential rate  33. The State Tariff Commission  34. obligatory duty payer  35. file a suit  36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate  37. temporary duty exemption  38. Customs and excise office  39. financing cost  40. home consumption  41. bonded warehouse  42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund  43. port authority  44. economic quantity  45. criminal gangs  46. Anti-Drugs Alliance  47. sniffer dog  48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff  49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System  50. document title  参考答案  1. The Customs General Administration 海关总署  2.Customs establishment 海关关点  3.Import and Export tariff 进出口税则  4. Appointment and removal 任命和免职  5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免  6. enact statute 颁布法令  7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李  8. over-landed cargo 溢卸货物  9. short-landed cargo 短卸货物  10. shut-out cargo 退关货物  11. damaged cargo 破损货物  12. examine and release 查验与放行  13. shipping order 装货通知  14. transshipment goods 转运货物  15. through goods 通运货物  16. transit goods 过境货物  17. supervision and control 监管  18. collection of duty 征税  19. compile statistics 编制海关统计  20. legal commodity inspection 法定商品检验  21. inspection certificate 检验证书  22. animal and plant quarantine 动植物检疫  23. Import and Export licence 进出口许可证  24. the State Council 国务院  25. Customs valuation 完税价格  26. duty memorandum 税款缴款书  27. short-levied duty 短征的关税  28. over-levied duty 溢征的关税  29. administrative consideration行政审议  30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff 进出口关税条例  31. general rate 普通税率  32. preferential rate 优惠税率  33. The State Tariff Commission 国家关税委员会  34. obligatory duty payer 义务纳税人  35. file a suit 提起诉讼  36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate 享受关税减免资格证书  37. temporary duty exemption 暂时关税减免  38. Customs and excise office 海关与货物税务署  39. financing cost 融资成本  40. home consumption 国内销售  41. bonded warehouse 保税仓库  42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund 先征后退制度  43. port authority 港务局  44. economic quantity 经济批量  45. criminal gangs 犯罪团伙  46. Anti-Drugs Alliance 反毒品联盟  47. sniffer dog 缉毒犬  48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff 海关税则商品分类目录  49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 商品名称及编码协调制度  50. document title 物权凭证


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