
时间:2020-01-20 10:42:22 来源:

【摘要】 关注雅思考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2020年1月16日雅思听力考试真题答案,希望能够帮助即将参加雅思考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2020年1月16日雅思听力考试真题答案的详细内容如下:


  Part 1:海岛旅游

  1.bring more cash because you could not use the credit card

  2.stay at least 4 days

  3.caravan tour

  4.went sailing

  5.must go to the museum

  6.white mountain


  8.having cakes in the mountain cafe

  9.you should hire a car

  10.buy a map in advance

  Part 2:艺术中心介绍


  11.bike sheds:G

  12.snack shops:D

  13.fitness shops:A

  14.family room:F

  15.TV room:H


  16.In the option of drama,where it was held

  C.in the lecture room

  17.In the option of photograph,it is reserved for

  A.beginners who want to learn

  18.In the option of write,what will be taught?

  A.about poetry technics

  19.In the option of music,what will be included

  C.giving a performance

  20.which one is right related to cache

  A.it costs the same as last year

  Part 3:日常用品的意义调查


  21.preserves memories such as photograph

  22.shows off status such as computers and cell phones

  23.reflects tastes such as works of art

  24.symbolizes personal identity

  25-27what kinds of interviewees do they like to choose?

  25.B.different background

  26.D.different interests

  27.G.the first year students

  28 what dose Sara worry about the interview?

  B.the length of the interview is short

  29.what dose the essay should start with?

  C.the reasons why you select these interviewees

  30.what should be finished by the end of April?

  B.they should complete the interview

  Part 4:打喷嚏

  31.caused by a faster breathing rate

  32.phonic sneeze:an uncontrolled physical reaction to the light

  33.caused by the nerve endings in the face

  34.The air speed caused by sneeze is high as a personal hurricane

  35.share the same habit of tears in they eyes

  36.it is light which leads the sneeze,which is not caused by the heat of the fire

  37.phonic sneezers are common,patients share the same habit of relatives.

  38.depending on the contrast of brightness

  39.it will happen after certain of time

  40.mention pilots to see if they are affected by bright light.


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