
时间:2020-01-15 10:01:21 来源:

【摘要】 关注ACCA考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点和考查方式。考必过小编为大家精心整理了2011年特许公认会计师考试F8真题,希望能够帮助即将参加ACCA考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。让我们来看看2011年特许公认会计师考试F8真题的详细内容吧,内容如下:

ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted1 IntroductionTinkerbell Toys Co (Tinkerbell) is a manufacturer of children’s building block toys; they have been trading for over 35 years and they sell to a wide variety of customers including large and small toy retailers across the country. The company’s year end is 31 May 2011.The company has a large manufacturing plant, four large warehouses and a head office. Upon manufacture, the toys are stored in one of the warehouses until they are despatched to customers. The company does not have an internal audit department.Sales ordering, goods despatched and invoicingEach customer has a unique customer account number and this is used to enter sales orders when they are received in writing from customers. The orders are entered by an order clerk and the system automatically checks that the goods are available and that the order will not take the customer over their credit limit. For new customers, a sales manager completes a credit application; this is checked through a credit agency and a credit limit entered into the system by the credit controller. The company has a price list, which is updated twice a year. Larger customers are entitled to a discount; this is agreed by the sales director and set up within the customer master file.Once the order is entered an acceptance is automatically sent to the customer by mail/email confirming the goods ordered and a likely despatch date. The order is then sorted by address of customer. The warehouse closest to the customer receives the order electronically and a despatch list and sequentially numbered goods despatch notes (GDNs) are automatically generated. The warehouse team pack the goods from the despatch list and, before they are sent out, a second member of the team double checks the despatch list to the GDN, which accompanies the goods.Once despatched, a copy of the GDN is sent to the accoounts team at head office and a sequentially numbe


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