
时间:2020-01-14 14:06:36 来源:

【摘要】 关注雅思考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2020年1月11日雅思听力考试真题答案,希望能够帮助即将参加雅思考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2020年1月11日雅思听力考试真题答案的详细内容如下:


  Part 1

  咨询健身房办卡 10填空

  address: 1. Wickford  Road

  Red Heaton

  Recommended type of membership package: 2. silver package

  Facilities opening time : from 3.7.30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

  Cost with discount: 4.$ 40  per month

  5. Joining fee is $30

  Facilities availableat the club

  -a fitness studio

  -a swimming pool

  6. tennis courts (outdoor only)

  7. dance classes

  8. cafe is open every day

  Can rent a l at the reception (chargea small fee of 50p)

  Need to bring details of a bank account and two os

  Part 2

  Eye saver 慈善机构 6选择4配对

  11-16 选择题

  11 Eye saver was founded in

  A 15 years  B 30 years  C 60 years

  12 Insight object original aim at

  A offer equipment with little technique

  B offer children who got eye disease children wash hand

  C offer operational help(fr) to the public who has bad eye

  13 main funding comes form,

  A final pay every month

  B donation from people

  C money collected on the street

  14 Need the listeners provide

  A receive glasses from patients

  B gives money donation(是之前的做法?)

  C checks the website

  15 The main aim of this program of insight project A/B答案有争议

  A Show them how easy their small donation can make a difference

  B show people how easy eyes problem can be cured

  C eye diseases

  16 这个女的通过什么宣传

  A recording (提供了 audio aid, emphasis)

  B computer

  C training

  17 E. more significant

  18 for older people--- D. ads or Equipment(广告)

  19 educational institution –C. link with academic institution

  20 young children: pupils----B. ink with school student

  Part 3

  石油压缩机 6配对

  21. Introduction— too formal

  22. Literature review— not critical enough

  23. Something else— too many quotations from others

  24. Acknowledge — lots of spelling mistake and errors

  25. Shock absorber— F. under the three legs

  26. air exchange---C. square box on the tooleft

  27. Moisture gatherer---G. gown under the compressor tank

  28. Ventilator---B. tube sticking out at top right

  29. Air filter---A. square box on top of the spoon

  30. Air storage tank---D. big house stores air

  Part 4

  Technology Companyin India 10填空

  31. create a more democratic work place

  32. grades are displayed on the website of internal staff.

  33. motto is employee first

  34. performance assessment do not include promotion

  35. among staff, on average, a 32% of income growth

  36. offer benefits on food, cafeteria land vacation entitlement

  37. A solution comes from any part of the company grades are not used for

  38. openness of company improved communication within the company

  39. complain were called as ticket

  40. place a ban on anonymous people online


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