
时间:2020-01-13 18:05:14 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加商务英语考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2014年商务英语考试模拟试题及解析-中华考试网,希望能够助力商务英语考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2014年商务英语考试模拟试题及解析-中华考试网的具体内容如下:

  一. READINGwww.for68.com


  Questions 1-7

  Read these sentences and the following new reports.

  Which country does each sentence describe?

  For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


  the head of state went to China to treat his disease.

  Answer: B

  1. the government didn't want to cancel a meeting in its capital.

  2. This country did something that went against the international aGREements.

  3. the king declared that he was unable to stop the civil war.

  4. A fierce quarrel broke out between this country and its neighbour.

  5. A national budget is going to be approved by the parliament some time in July.

  6. An opposition .party plans to turn down its enemy who now controlls the government.

  7. A nuclear reactor aroused the suspicion of the United Nations which sent inspectors there to investigate.

  A . North Korea announced that it had begun to change the fuel at a nuclear reactor at Youngbyon without the presence of international inspectors, a move that is contrary to international aGREements.

  B. the Khmers Rouges claimed to have captured the town of Mongkol Borei, in north-western Cambodia. As King Sihanouk prepared to leave for China to resume cancer treatment ,he said he had lost hope of resolving the Cambodian conflict.

  C. Japan's main opposition party, the Liberal Democrats, said it would try to bring down the minority government of Tsutiomu Hata once the budget is passed by parliament in mid-July.

  D. the Philippines refused a demand by Indonesia to ban a conference in Manila on East Timor, provoking the worst dispute between the countries for several years.


  Questions 8-12

  Read this memorandum.

  Choose the lest sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

  For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.

  De not mark any letter twice.

  One answer has teen given as an example.


  To: Filma Williams ,school of Architecture

  From : Ram S. Johnson ,Physical Plant Operations

  Subject : Air-conditioning Installation Costs for East Hall.

  Date : 4.4.94

  As you requested in your memo of March 15, we have studied the costs of installing air conditioning for the seven offices and two studio classrooms in Eest Hall ...example...

  Office and Classroom installation

  Estimates were obtained from three contractors on the costs of covering the offices and classrooms ...8...The work would take about three weeks.

  Because the central unit would be installed on the roof, some noise problems might occur during a four-or five-day period...9... Sheet metal work to build out lest in the classes could be done on weekends , and the overtime labour costs of about $1,500 have been included in the estimates.

  Arrangements were not made to do the office space installation on weekends `.. ... 10... ..

  Additional Installation

  Because a larger installation, including a more powerful central unit, would be necessary to handle the halls and stairways ,an additional $6 , 000 would be required for the equipment. .....11 ... If this additional work were delayed until a later time, a new central unit would be required along with changes in the pipe way ...12...


  the total job for the building would be about $ 35, 000 if done at one time. A two-stage installation would cost about $55 ,000. I can get official bids at your request.

  Example: A

  A As you suggested, we also sought information on the additional cost of air

  conditioning in the entrance halls and stairways.

  B All these three were in the $ 20,000 to $25,000 range.

  C This later installation would cost about $20,000.

  D However, class interruption should be minimal.

  E In the same way, each of these three would take at least one month.

  F therefore ,the total cost was this $6 ,000 plus another $5,000.

  G Labour costs would be an additional S 5 ,000,bringing the total cost of the addition to $11 ,000.

  H Each faculty member could expect to have workers in the office for about one day.

  I So faculty members can continue their office work as usual.


  一. 阅读部分


  1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A


  8. B 9. D 10. H 11. G 12. C


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